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Writing Process Blog
‘My Writing Process’ Blog Tour
I was honoured to be invited to this blog tour by the excellent Cathy Bryant, her Comps and Call on the Write Out Loud site steel dozens of poets to send their pieces out and there are many successes on the back of this. Here is Cathy’s blog: http://cathybryant.co.uk/news.html
Amidst planning, promoting and compering of the Quiet Compere Tour, I have been squirreling some time to write, though I am not sure how and this time will be massively curtailed for a couple of weeks, while I work through Frank’s list of things to do at Easter. This includes be Darth Vader, Got to the dentist, buy tomatoes, build castles, make models of spaceships, bake, do experiments, go to the park and a dozen other things he will remind me of when we haven’t done them. I will love every minute and will finish Easter feeling exhausted, with a messier house (if that is possible and the two toy boxes I am planning to purchase over the holiday are not used) and a few seeding poems.
Over the next couple of weeks you can look forward to:
Louise Fazackerley Biog: http://louisethepoet.co.uk/info/ http://bbcnewvoices.wordpress.com/ Blog will be posted 14th April
Nina Lewis: http://awritersfountain.wordpress.com/category/performance-poetry/ blog will be posted 14th April
Sarah James is a poet, short fiction writer and journalist. Her first collection Into the Yell (Circaidy Gregory Press, 2010) won third prize in the International Rubery Book Awards 2011. A second, more experimental collection, Be[yond], is published by Knives, Forks and Spoons Press. She also enjoys photography, poetryfilm, perfromance poetry and collaborations. Her website and blog are at: www.sarah-james.co.uk . Blog will be posted 21st April.
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