‘Road-signs’ in The Journal #63
25th ‘Book-fort haven’ Haiflu haiku

Haiflu – Liv Torc (9 photos as part of this project too)
Stream A Northern Idol (for Clare Shaw) by Sarah L Dixon | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
‘Happiness in my lockdown sock drawer’. Ink, sweat and tears.
**Shortlisted for March Pick of the Month (online)**
Sarah L Dixon on Mother’s Day | Ink Sweat and Tears
‘Questions from a five-year-old’ Up! Magazine Childhood edition
‘The place I go to get away’ Poetry Wivenhoe (online)
Events | poetrywivenhoe.org
‘The only monsters I am scared of are those I invent‘ Poetry Village 7th (online)
Sarah L Dixon – The Poetry Village
‘Woodlouse’ Dreich – Summer Everywhere anthology
‘Lockdown sundial’ Lighthouse Literary Journal #22
‘Kathi makes heart-shaped toast’ Spelt 2
‘Moving counties.’ Prole #39
‘2020 by the Colne’ The Lake Literary Review
The Lake – contemporary poetry webzine – July21a (thelakepoetry.co.uk)
‘To Frank, on going to high school.’ Ink Sweat and Tears
Sarah L Dixon | Ink Sweat and Tears
‘The Leadboilers practice alchemy’ Ink Drinkers (online)
Issue #4 – FOLKLORE – Ink Drinkers Poetry
‘Valley lights’ Lighting out Beautiful Dragons Anthology
Upcoming publications: Rialto #97, Rainbow Poems.
Thanks for reading, your comments, support and feedback. Sarah x